Thursday, October 24, 2019

My role as a career Essay

My role as a career is to provide personal and practical care services for people with a wide range of illnesses and disabilities, to assist service users with getting up in the morning and getting washed also helping them get undress also bathing and the toilet where necessary. To help service users with mobility problems and other physical disabilities, including Incontinence and help in use- and care of aids and Personal equipment. To help in the promotion of mental and physical Activity of service users through talking to them, by taking them out, sharing with them in activity Such as reading, writing, hobbies and Recreation. To make and change beds; tidy rooms; do light Cleaning and empty commodes, do launder service users’ clothing. Set tables and trays, serve meals, and feed service users who need help, prepare light meals and wash up, and tidy and clear away. To read and write in log-book records and take part in staff and service users’ meetings and in training activities as directed. To conform to all policies, procedures and guidelines laid down by Trewcare in respect of carrying out these care duties and in other administrative aspects of the business, as Relevant. To be available to work, as and when is agreed with Trewcare giving where is possible, 24 hours’ notice of any cancellation. To carry out accurately in a competent manner, instructions from managers and Supervisors that adhering to the care plans of individual Service users. To actively talk- and listen to service users, allowing for their personal choice in their own Home. To ensure all home visits are for the time allowed, as scheduled and request the service User’s. To maintain accurate, concise, up-to-date and timely records of the service user’s care, Care plan folder, medication forms, financial transaction all in folder. To return all relevant paperwork to the office Where deemed necessary by the company. To document each visit in the daily log, detailing tasks undertaken, any changes which have occurred and other information relevant. Nature to be considerate in respect of written comments made in the daily log so as not to unduly or unintentionally offend or upset the service user as they and their family/represent actives are entitled to read it. To work only within Trewcare’s regulations regarding the handling of service users’ finances, ensuring accurate documentation and receipting of any transactions. To be familiar with Trewcare’s Health and Safety Policy and to promote safe  working practices to ensure full compliance with infection control procedures following company policy to report and record any accident or incident which may occur – no matter how minor, Weather to the service user or carer to report back to the manager(s) or supervisor(s) on any aspect of the service user’s care which, in the view of the care/support worker, warrants investigation or urgent action to report immediately to management any noticeable changes in health, behaviour or circumstances of s ervice users – maintaining the service user’s right to privacy and confidentiality to participate in reviews of service users’ care plans as required. To be aware of, and comply with, the tasks and activities which must NOT be undertaken as part of care duties, as detailed in Trewcare’s Policy on Prohibited Duties (Limits of Responsibility) to advise supervisors and/or managers of any perceived problems or difficulties. Experienced with the service provided to service users To advise supervisors and/or managers of any ideas, this might enhance and improve the level of service delivered to the service users. To perform such other duties as may reasonably require. To participate in induction and foundation training and regular in-service training programmes as directed by managers or supervisors. To make myself available on a regular basis at an agreed, appointed time to assess and Review my personal and professional progress which will be recorded in my personnel file, which is available for inspection on request this will be carried out as either a one-to-one or annual appraisal. My name of employee is Yvonne Smith and my employment began at 8/10/13 also my continuous employment will begin on 8/12/13. My work rates of pay, as detailed on the attached sheet. It will be paid at four weekly intervals in arrears by bank automated credit payment (BACS). My hours of work is variable by agreement according to the demands of the service with no guaranteed hours, I will be notified of hours by management. My holiday entitlement is 5.6 weeks per year from April to March paid as an average of the previous twelve weeks in line with the statuary requirement. Any overpaid holiday pay will be deducted at the end of employment. Bank and public holidays do not apply. My entitlement to sick pay is as laid down by the statutory sick pay scheme. Pension and pension scheme, the company offers a stakeholder pension scheme to all employees. A contracting out certificate under the social security pension’s act 1975 is not in force in respect of my employment. My notice  entitlement and requirements, under 1 month of service is nil to employer, 1 month of service but less than 2 years is 1 week to employer and 2 years of service or more is 1 week for each completed of year of service to a maximum of 12 weeks of employment to the employer. Under 1 month of service is to employee (me) is nil. 1 month of service or more is to employee is 4 weeks. My place of work is at Trewcare clients homes and there office. A disciplinary procedure applicable to me is I must adhere to the conditions of service and requirements as laid out in the employee’s handbook and company policies procedures. I acknowledge that I have received a statement of the particulars of my employment as required by s.1 ERA 1996 and I have confirmed my agreement that above terms contract of employment with Trewcare Limited. I sign and dated the contract and my employer. My pay slip must show: Gross pay – My full pay before any tax or National Insurance has been taken off the amounts of any deductions which change from payday to payday – variable deductions, for example tax and National Insurance, and what the deductions are for. The total amount of any fixed deductions – these are deductions which don’t change from payday to payday, for example union dues. An employer does not have to give details of what these deductions are for, as long as they give a separate statement with these details on at least once a year. The total amount of take-home pay after deductions, and the amount and method for any part payment of wage (for example separate figures of a cash payment and the balance credited to a bank account). My employer might include additional information on your pay slip which they are not required to provide, such as: National Insurance number, Tax code, Pay rate (either annual or hourly), and breakdown of additional payments like overtime, tips or bonuses, which must in any case be included in your gross pay figure. Change of name, Change of address and Change of bank details. I recognize that employees may from time to time have concerns, problems or complaints directly connected with their work and need to have a speedy,  fair, consistent and reliable for resolving these issues. My company’s grievance procedure, described below, aims to resolve problem areas quickly, fairly and objectively. The procedure is intended to reflect good employment practice and does not confer any contractual rights on employees. Procedure – It is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that employee grievances are dealt with quickly and fairly and at the lowest level possible at which the matter can be resolved. Informal Resolution – Most routine complaints and grievances are best resolved informally in discussion with the manager. Dealing with grievances in this way can often lead to a speedy and successful resolution of problems, and is recommended to all employees as the first option. Formal Procedure, Raising a formal grievance – If the informal approach does not resolve the matter, (or if the employee wishes to opt out of the informal option then the employee must put his/her grievance in writing to his/her immediate supervisor or manager, provided that he/she is not the subject of grievance. A simple form has been designed for this purpose. Employees with reading or language difficulties should seek assistance, for example, from a work colleague. Dealing with the grievance – Upon receipt by the company of a written grievance the employee will receive a written invitation, with at 3 calendar days’ notice, to attend a formal meeting to discuss the matter. An employee may request a postponement of the meeting, on account of a companion not being available, up to a maximum of 7 calendar days. If the employee has difficulty reading, or English is not their first language, the content of the invitation letter will be explained to them orally. The meeting will be arranged within 5 working days where possible, of the issue being raised, although certain circumstances, such as the need to collect information, etc., may make this difficult on occasion. Right to be accompanied – The employee will have the right to make a reasonable to be accompanied provided that the grievance concerns a duty owed by the employer to the employee. As such, this right is unlikely to apply in cases such as complaints about pay increases, quality of the refreshment. This right is, however, restricted to fellow worker, a trade union representative or an official employed by a trade union, and not someone acting in a representative capacity. A trade union represented who is not employed official must have been certified by their union as being competent to accompany a worker. Employees will be reminded of this right  prior to being invited to, and attending any meeting, and if they exercise this right, they shall be required to inform the agency of the name/status of the person who shall accompany them. No employee will be reprimanded or made to suffer harassment or punishment from anyone as a result of seeking resolution of a grievance through this procedure. Where a grievance is about the employee’s immediate supervisor or manager then the employee may go directly to the department head or director responsible for their area, or, if their immediate supervisor or manager holds such responsibility, to that person’s immediate manager, provided of course that such a person exists within the agency’s organizational structure. Records will be kept detailing the nature of the grievance, the response, any action taken and the reasons for it and whether there was an appeal, and if so, the outcome. These records will be kept confidential and retained in accordance with data Protection principles. An employer has a duty to ensure that data is being processed lawfully. Home workers may need specific training on their obligations and those of the employer in relation to data protection, the procedures which they must follow, and what is, and is not, an authorized use of data. Employees should understand when and how they are required to dispose of data they may create at home, for example; by requiring those to shred documents prior to disposal Employers should carry out an assessment of the data protection implications of employees working from home. Grievance – If you have a concern, problem or complaint at work, you might want to take this up with your employer. This is called raising a grievance. You might want to raise a grievance about things like; things you are being asked to do as part of your job, the terms and conditions of your employment contract, for example, your pay. The way you’re being treated at work, for example, if you’re not given a promotion when you think you should be discrimination at work. For example, you might think your work colleagues are bullying you because you because of your race, age, disability or sexuality. It may be possible to sort out your complaint by simply talking to your employer informally. However, it’s not always possible to sort out your complaint in this way and you may want to take out a formal grievance. You don’t have to take out a formal grievance. However, if you end up making a complaint to an employment  tribunal, the tribunal may reduce any compensation they award you if you didn’t raise a grievance first. Be respected and to be treated as an individu al. To be treated in a dignified way, to be treated equally and not discriminated against. Be aloud privacy and cared for in a way that meets our needs and takes account of preferences and choices. Safeguarded and protected from danger and harm. Allowed access of information about them and cared for in a way that meets the client’s needs. Given choices and promote independence to be treated as an individual We are all individuals and everyone has their own unique character and personality, which are developed through the different life experiences, cultures and beliefs we follow. It is also through other factors such as social class, age, ethnicity, culture, background and gender. It is important and essential to treat different people as individuals and to try and meet their needs rather than stereotyping people. E.g. all black people are the same. Treating everyone the same ‘regardless’ is failing to respect diversity. Treated in a dignified way we all want to be treated with dignity and it is a very important part of an individual’s life. Working in the health and social care profession it is important to help people maintain their dignity so they can keep their sense of self-respect and self-wo rth. All health and social care professionals should be sensitive and aware of the needs of people and service users especially during times when the body and its functions could be exposed. Legislation that relates to health and safety includes, amongst others, the Health and Safety at work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1998. The general roles and responsibilities of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with my organisation for colleagues include, Having a personal and collective responsibility to promote safe working practices and maintain a healthy, safe and secure workplace and having a responsibility to ensure that they have an awareness of and comply with the organisations health and safety policy. Having an awareness of health and safety risks they face and the actions they should take to mitigate those risks. Ensuring that health and safety objectives, targets, processes and procedures are established and communicated throughout the organisation to all colleagues and ensure that clear accountability is established for health and safety throughout the  organisation. To take reasonable care of your own health and safety if possible avoid wearing jewellery so no spreading infections. To take reasonable care not to put other people – fellow employees and members of the public – at risk by what you do or don’t do in the course of your work and to co-operate with your employer, making sure you get proper training and you understand and follow the company’s health and safety policies and not to interfere with or misuse anything that’s been provided for your health, safety or welfare. Report any injuries, strains or illnesses you suffer as a result of doing your job (your employer may need to change the way you work). Tell your employer if something happens th at might affect your ability to work (e.g. becoming pregnant or suffering an injury) – your employer has a legal responsibility for your health and safety; they may need to suspend you while they find a solution to the problems. If you drive or operate machinery, to tell your employer if you take medication that makes you drowsy – they should temporarily move you to another job if they have one for you to do. Make the workplace safe and prevent risks to health, ensure that plant and machinery is safe to use, and that safe working practices are set up and followed make sure that all materials are handled, stored and used safely. Provide adequate first aid facilities. Train you about any potential hazards from the work you do, chemicals and other substances used by the firm, and give you information, instructions, training and supervision as needed and set up emergency plans also make sure that ventilation, temperature, lighting, and toilet, washing and rest facilities all meet health, safety and welfare requirements and check that the right work equipment is provided and is properly used and regularly maintained. Prevent or control exposure to substances that may damage your health and take precautions against the risks caused by flammable or explosive hazards, electrical equipment, noise and radiation also avoid potentially dangerous work involving manual handling and if it can’t be avoided, take precautions to reduce the risk of injury, provide health supervision as needed and provide protective clothing or equipment free of charge if risks can’t be removed or adequately controlled by any other means. Ensure that the right warning signs are provided and looked after and report certain accidents, injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to either the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or the local authority,  depending on the type of business. The main health and safety responsibilities of others include abiding by the health and safety policies of the organisation and various health and safety acts. Tasks that should not be carried out without special training include use of equipment, first aid, administering medication, health care procedures, and, food handling and preparation. In order to access additional support and information relating to health and safety I would refer to my line manager, the policies and procedures supplied by my organisation and access any government based websites. It is important to assess health and safety hazards posed by the work setting or by particular activities in order to prevent risk of injury to oneself, fellow colleagues and service use rs. I would report any potential health and safety risks that have been identified immediately to my line manager both verbally and by written report if necessary. Risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns as the risk assessment will highlight a risk, therefore if there is any dilemma as to whether the client could carry out an activity, as they may be legally entitled to, there will be legal documentation to state that an employee has notified the client of the risks involved in that activity. An accident could be described as an unintentional incident which could possibly have an adverse effect on a person’s wellbeing, initiated from outside the human body, whereby there may be some initial warning. Some of these incidences can include a slip, trip, fall, burn or cut. A sudden illness can be described as an incident that occurs without warning, from within the human body, for example, a stroke or heart attack. If an accident or sudden illness occurs then policies and procedures to follow include making the situation safe if possible, treating my causality if possible, as I’m a first aider, reporting any accidents etc. that occur in the health and safety at work/accident book and reporting these to my supervisor or manager. In general I would follow all organisational and legal policies in place. The legislation that relates to moving and handling is the Health and Safety at work act 1974. It is important that all risk assessments are carried out on the individual or object beforehand. You must bend your knees and not your back, hold objects to your chest and do not lift anything above the weight that is specified by your employer. In my role as a volunteer at †¦ I lift items of very little weight except from time to time I will lift  tables in the setting up of the drop in which is always carried out by two people in order to evenly distribute the weight. Some hazardous substances and materials that may be found in the workplace may include electrical equipment, hot water, chemical substances hazardous to health, soiled linen, various detergents etc., needles and other residents and people. Hazardous substances should always be stored in their correct containers and should be clearly labelled. They should always be used only by people who are properly trained to use these substances and trained people should use these in the manner that they have been trained to use these substances, they should be disposed of in the correct manner and using correct storage containers that they are due to be disposed in. some practices that prevent fires from starting include not allowing rubbish and combustible waste to accumulate or bins to overflow, check electrical equipment and wiring regularly, not decanting or using flammable materials near a naked flame. Some practices that prevent fires from spreading include raising the alarm ASAP, not messi ng with firefighting equipment, never leave doors open or obstructed, only fighting the fire if it is safe to do so and following all organisational policies. Clear evacuation routes should be kept clear at all times because if these are blocked then a person’s route to safety may be blocked resulting in possible injury or death in the event of a fire. I would use agreed ways of working to check the identity of anyone requesting access to the work premises or information, by checking in any diaries available, or with line managers, anyone who has an appointment that day, as well as referring to all organisational and legal policies that may be in force. If I was in any doubt whatsoever, I would refuse access and refer any situation whereby an individual was requesting any access or information to my line manager. I would also treat the individual requesting access to premises and/or information with respect and telephone their employer to validate that they are who they say they are. It is important to ensure that others known their own whereabouts so that they know the nearest exit in case of a fire or some other emergency where the building had to be evacuated. Indicators and common signs of stress can include headaches, tense muscles, aches of body muscles, increase in smoking as well as reduced ability to concentrate and becoming irate. Some circumstances that tend to trigger my own stress include people contradicting me when I’m correct in  what I’m saying or doing and when people badmouth things or people I like or love. The ways I tend to manage my own stress include accepting what other people are saying or doing (whether they be right or wrong), taking myself out of the situation and talking to people who are not in the situation or have nothing to do with the situation. If I had a problem with a member of staff, for example if I didn’t like the way that they were treating a resident I would go to my manager and explain my concerns, if after informing my manager the problem persists I would then go back, if my manager dismissed this as she has already talked to the staff member, this would cause conflict and I would seek help from someone above my manager (Regional Director). Anti-discriminatory: Treat everyone as an individual and do no dis-respect race or culture. Health & Safety: Keep up to date with all training and comply with all requested of me to ensure myself, colleagues and residents are not at risk of harm or injury. Confidentiality: Ensure all information is secured properly and don’t give out any information to anyone you’re not sure about, consult Team Leader if unsure. Whistleblowing: Identify the unethical behavior in question and determine how it’s affecting you or the organization in which you work. There are many things that I do that contribute to the overall delivery of the service provider, for example I provide the best possible care I can give to the service users & families of those service users by communicating effectively & being involved in their day to day activities and personal needs I may also write their daily reports in deep detail. I read and sign all the service users care plans to ensure I can provide the correct and safest care. It is important to maintain my skills and keep up to date with my training and keep up to date with changes in legislation, the quality of care to the residents of the home by setting standards of care for the carers to work to and need to be client led-always giving the person you are looking after his/her own choice/decision over what he/she would like done for them. After all they are the employers really. So showing respect at all times coupled with privacy and dignity when bathing or assisting them in toilet routines. Knocking on doors and waiting before entering a room is a basic must. But  the ideal carer is one who gets pleasure out of being helpful rather than regarding his/her role as just a mere job. It follows that if a carer wants the clients to do as they are told rather than being given choices and respect, then their quality of life becomes miserable and they will dread that particular ‘so-called’ carer being around. Codes of Practice, Legislation dictates our level and quality of care. Government initiatives impact the people we serve. I am a direct care support professional in the field of caring for persons with multiple disabilities, including developmental disabilities. For example, a code of practice in action, and in a very general sense – may be staff supporting, but also providing the tools, for individuals to become more independent. Too much support, they would learn dependence. Tools alone without support, they may not understand how to use them or when to use them. Occupational Standards would be a general guide for each career within a given field that expresses the foundational do and don’ts for each. Example, we would provide a minimum amount of service, documented and within the guidelines for the individual, while if we offered additional services that are needed and appropriate to the individual that would be good. Laws protect for the most part. Most laws are based on safety. So legislation that offers greater protection for the people we serve, and laws that provide a clear expectation for staff – which if we follow judiciously, also protects us – are incorporated into all daily activities and decisions. We do not restrain. That is protection for the individual. A person passing by an accident and offering help is protected from lawsuits by the Good Samaritan Law. So in these examples, both the individual, and the care-giver have laws that protect them. Government Initiatives – well, that’s a pretty general term as well which could also be interpreted in many different ways. Initiatives – I think of entitlement programs. Social Security, SSI, Welfare, WIC, HEAP, HUD, etc., These programs – governmental initiatives – provide additional support to persons at or below the poverty level, to help them to have necessities. Some, not all, persons with disabilities, utilize these programs / initiatives, to assist with whatever they are unable to provide through their paid community employment. These national factors give you guidance, standards and rules to follow my work practice. Legislation tells me what I must/must not do. My role and responsibilities in respect of employment practices and present an issue of public concern that has occurred within either the health, social care people’s sector. Additionally, I will create a career plan which reflects on my continuing professional development and related learning and possible future qualification opportunities. Maybe look at how the special educational needs code of practice impacts on what I do or who I contact in my setting. What does my job contract list as its minimum standards for duties and responsibilities that I am expected to work with, perform to & where wanted beyond in my daily work? Representational bodies are groups or organizations that guide or stand for the same thing that colleagues working in a Caring sector field. Care Quality Commission and General Social Care Council. Care Quality Commission: We are the regulator for all health and social care services in England. A regulator is an organization that checks services meet the government’s standards or rules about care. We check that people get good, safe care from: hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and services that support them in their own home or in other places. We also look after the rights of people who need extra support to stay safe. This includes people who are kept in care under a law called the Mental Health Act. What we check: The government’s standards cover all areas of care. These rules are about things like: respecting people and treating them in the way we all expect to be treated and making sure people receive the food and drink they need. Giving people care in clean, safe buildings and managing services and having the right staff. We put care services on our register if they meet the standards, or act quickly if they do not. General Social Care Council: About the General Social Care Council (GSCC), The General Social Care Council is the social care workforce regulator for England. The GSCC is a Non Departmental Public Body established in October 2001 under the Care Standards Act 2000. It is sponsored by the Department of Health (DH) but also works closely with the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) in delivering the children’s and young people’s care agenda. The  GSCC works to improve the quality of social care services for the benefit of people who use services through regulation of the workforce and through its contribution to social work education. It has three main functions, It issues and distributes codes of practice for social care workers and their employers also it maintains the register of social care workers and it regulates social work education and training.

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